Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ultras live within our soul

We live in a very demanding world. Full of obstacles, unsolved issues, difficult human behaviour, cultured society and the great sense of urgency to move forward in whatever we do in our routine daily task.

Sometimes, in whatever we do in our life, some of us opted for a more radical approach. The fishermen have always a choice to be made. They would go for simple catch near the shore, or planning for a deep ocean trip and searching for a bigger catch. For a more ambitious group of fishermen, they would dare to go far in order to gain heavier and bigger fish. It is a matter of strong will, drive and passion in whatever you do in your life.

Another example, Malaysia in the past have so many charismatic leaders fought for our liberation from the imperial powers. Each of them have different character, different approach in leading the people. Some of them have strong persuasive skills, great negotiator to close a deal. And some of them went for an extreme solutions by using weapons and engaged in an open battle.

However, both set of characters having the same objective and same goal, that is to obtain independence. And both of them driven by great passion. Leaders normaly born within a group of people with the same set of passion, the feel of belonging for what they believe and what they are fighting for.

These are the example of ultra mentality. It is live within us everyday. Everybody have their extreme side. But the ultra mentality does not turn you to become an evil person. Being 'Últra minded' have nothing to do with negative character. The extreme part in you will drive you forward, bringing the best out of you.

The same goes to some section of football fans in Malaysia with this 'Ultra mentality'. It is the extreme part in their supportive behaviour towards what they believe as their idolised football team. Being expresive in nature, the Ultras will speak out for the betterment of their team and football league in general. And being expresive sometimes, to display their great pleasure or otherwise.

The urge from deep. An instinctive behaviour. Inner self awareness with great sense of belonging. These are the common characters of the Ultras. They are passionate football fans and majority of other spectator still find it hard to understand them. This 'supporters conflict' happening now in Malaysian league.

My advice to the general spectators who went to the stadium for a peace 'eat-burger-while-watch-football' kind of thing, please change your attitude and give some respect for the Ultras. They are the one who generate true football atmosphere, drive the players running for the entire 90 minutes.

The Ultras is massively part of our football community. The other spectators, football authority must put an effort to understand them and their supportive nature.

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